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Looking for simple ways to help parrots in need? You can make a difference. Learn how you can get involved today.



Become a Member


Looking for simple ways to help parrots in need? You can make a difference. Learn how you can get involved today.
You have read and agree to follow WAES adoption guidelines, and specifically understand that the health of the adopted bird is not guaranteed and that there are certain dangerous bird diseases that can be passed on to humans.
You hereby release and hold harmless WAES, its members, and its advisor veterinarians from any damage that might arise from an adoption.
You agree to not sell or give away the bird adopted. If any situation arises requiring the bird to be removed from the home, the bird will be returned to WAES.
You fully understand and agree that all paid adoption fees are non-refundable, and no trading of birds will take place, even if you return the bird to WAES.