Your gift saves lives
The gift you make to Wasatch Avian Education Society is immediately put to use saving the lives of parrots in our care. You’ll be supporting our ongoing operations and ensure that countless birds across the state receive medical care, love, companionship, and the chance to find a family of their very own.
Your donation provides:
- veterinary care
- food, cages, toys
- support to foster families
- rescue and rehabilitation
- community education and support
- advocating for better care of companion parrots
As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, your gift is tax-deductible. Please make a donation today!

If you would prefer to mail us a check, please make it payable to “Wasatch Avian Education Society” and send to the address below:
Wasatch Avian Education Society
P.O. Box 651701
Salt Lake City, Utah 84165-1701